If you like working with thru the terminal you can install @arelstone/traduota-cli
witch makes it a breeze to create a add a locale, add a term and translate the term to desired locale.
In your terminal run the following code:
npm install -g @arelstone/traduora-cli -save-dev
Create a file in the root of your project called .tradourarc
and give it the following data
Read more about the .tradourarc file in the documentation
baseUrl: '', // Path to the api. Remeber the api/v1 suffix
username: '', // The username of who will be authendicated
password: '', // The password
projectId: '', // The project is for your traduora project
For a full list of avalible commands and the documentation visit the documentation page
Add a locale
To add a new locale to the project you have in your rc-file run the following code in your terminal traduora language:add <CODE>
traduora language:add <CODE>
traduora language:add en_GB
Add a term
To add a term to your project run
traduora term:add <TERM>
traduora term:add email_required_validation_error
Translate a term
Now you've added a locale and a term and ofcourse this should be translated. To do this simply just run
traduora translate <VALUE> -c=<CODE> -t=<TERM>
traduora translate "E-mail input is required" -c=en_GB -t=email_required_validation_error
To list all avalible commands or get help you can use help
or the -h flag
tradoura help
traduora term:add --help