Is Traduora free?
Traduora is free, open-source and simple to set up. You can even set it up for your entire company on your own servers. There are no usage limits and your data stays private and on your own servers.
Is there a hosted version?
There is no hosted version of Traduora at the moment. However, we might offer this sometime in the future.
Where can I send a feature request / bug report?
Please file an issue on GitHub as that's our main channel for both feature requests and bug reports. If you discover any issue regarding security however, please disclose the information responsibly by sending an email to security@ever.co and not by creating a GitHub issue.
Is Traduora available in my language?
Of course we'd like Traduora to be available in as many languages as possible. We're setting up a Traduora server for translating Traduora itself, check back soon for more details on how to contribute.
What is Traduora's license?
You can check out the license for the source code here.